
Foto © ecoArtes adèle weers



2023 -  Short contribution of Found Footage as part of a crowdsourcing call for «While the Green Grass Grows» Feature Film, World Premiere at Vision du Réel, Nyon, Switzerland (Grand Prix)

2023 -  Informal contribution for the Set Design «RÖBI GEHT» Feature Film, Switzerland

2021 -  Curator for the Trailer «May the Ripples Multiply» Urban Research Institute, Sweden

2011 -  Protagonist and Photography for «Die Kunst der Pause» Short Film für jakobsweg.ch, Switzerland



2024/25     - Essay im Bündner Jahrbuch Kunst und Kultur, Tardis Verlag Chur: ISBN 978-3-9525049-8-7

since 2020 - Haiku/Senryu/Renshi in dedicated magazines/anthologies, USA: ISBN 978-1-930172-22-7 //

                     ISBN 978-1-930172-25-8

2020          -  Haiku for a music composition for Julia Schiwowa and Einsingen um 9, Switzerland > on YouTube September 29th 2020


(Scientific) Conferences

2024 - Common Principles for Peace@COP29-2024 Baku, Azerbaijan with ECCP/Environmental Peacebuilding Association

2023 - Peace Policy for COP 28 Dubai, UAE with Global Community of Practice, ECCP 

2021 - Creative Idea, Video Contribution and Curator for a presentation at the Institute for Urban Research (IUR) Malmö, Sweden (Trailer) 

2012 - Photography for a presentation at the Int. Conference on Landscape and Health, Birmensdorf, Switzerland

1988 - Text for exhibition on rainforest deforestation as Humanitarian Crisis for The Yanomami, Brazilia and the world with Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker



Language course Teacher for Asylum Seekers in Zurich

Secretary to the President of the Public School Board in Zurich and to the Head of ETH Humanities Department, Zurich


Adèle Weers (*Baden, Switzerland) is a descendant of a bi-national (Graubünden/Switzerland & Saarbrücken/Germany) and culturally diverse family. She studied at InArtes Zurich «multimedia art in social contexts» and economy at KV Business School, Zurich. 

Education and Further Education

2022          Human Rights Council Training, United Nations, Geneva, Switzerland

2022          Bridging Differences; Certificate of Higher Education, University of California Berkeley, USA

2016-2017 Language Teacher, German as a Second Language; Certificate of Higher Educhation, IDIconTOTO, Zurich

2004-2009 MultiMedia Art as Education Certificate of Higher Education; InArtes, Zurich

1984-1985 Certificate of Proficiency in English; Hull's School Zurich

1975-1978 KV Business School Zurich

Long Journeys to India, Philippines, Pakistan, China, the USA and other countries



Swiss Human Rights Institution 

ECCP - Ecosystem of Peace  

American Haiku Society, HSA

Comünaunza Pro Lej da Segl

SWAN Swiss Women's Audiovisual Network